Monday, June 3, 2013

Got $532 to spare? The nightmare of Obamacare!

Remember the story of the copay that went from $131 to $495.03 this year? For the first time EVER, it went up in the middle of the year to $532.12. To read about how it went from $131 to $495, see these blog entries here and here.These links include pictures of the invoices for those liberals who don't believe this crap is REALLY happening. Keep in mind if we had no insurance, the drug company would give it to us free of charge. If my husband made less money, the drug company would give it to us free of charge, too. Make sure to tell a liberal friend that tidbit of information.Democrats are always trying to tell you *poor* people can't get their medications and I am here to tell you that's a crock. Several of the meds they take would be given to us if we had no insurance OR made less money. We've already paid (mostly credit) over $4,000 for medications in 2013 so far.

The copay I'm talking about, was $131 for as long as we can remember before Obamacare passed. Because our son does not respond to generic, he has to have name brand--it is the only name brand medication he takes. I guess we are supposed to let him develop kidney damage and die? He had urodynamics on generic and failed- pressures still high enough to cause kidney damage. AND the *penalty* was paying $131 for years and years and years... and NOW it is $532.12. It is VERY common for patients not to respond to the generic form of this drug. ALL of his urologists (he's seen 7 different ones) have said that this is the case- many people do not respond to generic. He went to CHOP for a procedure that helped patients who did not respond to the med and it did not work for him. So, our only alternative is to buy name brand-- which WAS affordable before the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT!!!!!!!!

OBAMA SUCKS. Here's the invoice that came in the mail today:

We need this like we need a hole in the head. We've already had almost 11K in medical expenses. This 11K does not include our premiums. See our latest Medical Expense Update here. **UPDATE: July 5, 2013: we are at just over $14,500 in OOP medical with 13 bills not yet in for services rendered.


Anonymous said...

Pattie, I admire you so much, for your strength and courage and fortitude in trying to make people aware of what a travesty this piece of garbage legislation really is. You and your family are in my prayers.


Pattie said...

Thank you for the prayers!

Anonymous said...

Pattie, please contact your Congressman and Senator and show them this evidence. It may help or it may not but at least you will know you told them and if they don't respond, tell everyone.

Pattie said...

I have contacted my US Rep- she knows me personally and has attended and spoken at My religious freedom rallies. I went to DC to speak with my Senators in March with a packet of info and copies of receipts..... I call a lot. LOL Rand Paul's office staff even knows me and he's not my senator.

Anonymous said...

You and your family are in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Pattie, O'zero is in California right now pushing his Unaffordable Health care Law. He is telling untruths about it. Only allowing one question????

Anonymous said...

what state do you live in? All liberal states that have fully put AHA in place have seen prices DROP. They've only gone up in republican states where they refuse to parts of it in place..

Pattie said...

Not true. I suggest you do research and stop spreading lies.

Pattie said...

I notice the people who are liberals and try to point things out without any facts tend to post anonymously. Hmmmmm

Pattie said...

One last note, hubs works for a company with employees worldwide.... Many in CA and other states that have accepted Obamacare. Med is received through mail order from a state that has not rejected Obamacare..... Our insurance allows us to go anywhere in the US for care..... We are currently visiting a hospital out of our home state..... I am so sick of liberals who are clueless.

buchikikay said...

pattie i suggest you bring this issue to Fox News write then and show your expenses.i can feel that ppl from fox will entertain your massive expenses from Obama care or talk to your representative. or we can blog this 24/7..

Anonymous said...

Your article says that you pay over 4k per year. says that Dithropan XL 10mg is a once per day tablet. Your invoice says 180 tab so shouldn't that equal $1, 064.24 per year? Are there other expensive medications you also have to buy? Just wondering the facts. I wish your family the best.

Dan Skinner said...

This blog post is totally incoherent and has nothing to do with "Obamacare." The Affordable Care Act is not a dumping ground for your angst for health insurance companies. @danielrskinner

Pattie said...

LMAO, Dan... yes, yes... facts are always incoherent to liberals.

Pattie said...

Dear anonymous liberal wanna be doctor, 1) we can only get three months at a time BY LAW 2) He takes 20mg a day and that's TWO tablets, Ditropan XL doesn't come in 20mg Tabs 3) I think you are the same lib who was attacking me on Twitter.... I notice once I gave you that facts, you never replied.....

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