Sunday, March 2, 2025

Trusting the Media!?

I hope to start up blogging again! Here's a start. 

I met with a long time friend yesterday. She's a huge Obama/Harris/Walz supporter.  We had vowed not to discuss politics, but it came up. I tried to redirect the conversation to the best of my ability.  It didn't work, but we remained friendly. 

Near the end of the conversation, she asked where I got my news if I didn't have any news stations at home.  She asked if I ever look at NPR or PBS.  The truth is, I don’t trust any “news” source and definitely don’t trust state run media outlets‼️ I do look at them occasionally to see what the state line is. 

I have a subscription to WSJ (Wall Street, not Winston! LOL) and I listen to podcasts and read alternative news sources.  I believe some of what WSJ publishes- not all.   Since operation mocking bird the media has been bought and paid for. I don’t believe everything I read— if you do, that’s your choice.  

It still amazes me that so many on the left have not figured out that this is not a left vs right battle.  They are all in on it together —against the American people.  This is why we voted for Trump. They all (the deep state) hate him. Save a few of the good guys. He is a threat to the deep state and their power/money flow.

She really believes that Trump is a rapist and doesn't understand how I don't believe her or the media when they say the this is true. She mentioned this report and that report.....and I had not seen them. I don't care what the media says about him - I distrust all media. 

I wanted to see the Elon Musk and Trump interview on FOX and the night of the interview, I had to figure out where to watch it. <laughter>  I honestly do not have news at my house. I was very interested in who Elon Musk really is, as I had never seen an interview with him. 

After 8 1/2 years of struggling to survive, I am finally back on my feet. I work a lot and am thankful to have such a great job. It's been a long time coming. Whew.  I have tried to separate my political ramblings by posting t hem here (This is my first post since 2018). My camping and outdoor adventure posts here:  My Little Red Bike and my faith based/Catholic posts here: A Catholic Life 

My life is dramatically different than it was  8 1/2 years ago. I can honestly say that God brought me through it and I am stronger, healthier and happier than I have ever been. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Constitution Party of North Carolina

It's been over two years since my last blog post. My life has changed dramatically, but as we serve a mighty and amazing God, He has turned my sorrows into joy, and the ashes into beauty! God is sovereign! For more details, you can check out my pages where I go a little deeper into why I was away from my blog for so long.

I had a GREAT weekend in the Raleigh/Durham area for the Constitution Party's  state convention.

I am honored to have been elected to the State Executive Committee and look forward to working with God-fearing Patriots across the great state of North Carolina to advance the cause of liberty! 

Many of my followers have asked me what I plan to accomplish. I’m here to ask you what WE can accomplish together! America needs YOU!

I pray that God uses my talents to advance the cause of freedom all for His glory. 

Yesterday, I reminded those gathered that we are ALL created in the Image and Likeness of God. Every heart YEARNS to be free. We are each endowed with unalienable rights and UNLIMITED potential. Every single one of you has been given gifts and talents from God -amazing gifts!

An overreaching government limits human potential! From the welfare recipient who dare not earn too much money working lest he lose his government benefits to the entrepreneur who is unable to start his dream business because government regulations make it nearly impossible. We are slaves to government. I want to work to restore our constitutional republic, get government out of the way, so that more people are free to become the persons God created them to be!

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” ~Patrick Henry

—-obviously the list of  what I would like to accomplish is long--- I will work on explaining various objectives over the next month and as the year progresses.

 Let’s work together to restore our nation to one where every human being is allowed the right to life and has his natural rights protected so that he has the opportunity to unleash his God-given potential!

For more information on the Constitution Party, follow this link. I would love to see y'all become members of the party and then see you at the next state convention. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

First Amendment Defense Act TweetFest

Tomorrow, The House Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) Committee will have public hearings on the First Amendment Defense Act.

This hearing is the first step to getting to our goal: a full House vote on FADA.

Chairman Jason Chaffetz and the other Republican committee members need to hear from you on the need to pass FADA out of committee. Heritage Action is hosting a Tweetfest tomorrow from 12-2pm using the hashtag #VoteonFADA 

I'll be joining in on the Tweetfest and hope you will, too! 

For more information on FADA, visit this fact sheet: 

Here is a list of Twitter handles of Republican OGR members:

Michael Turner OH-10 @RepMikeTurner
John Duncan TN-02 @RepJohnDuncanJr
Jim Jordan OH-04 @Jim_Jordan
Tim Walberg MI-07 @RepWalberg
Justin Amash MI-03 @justinamash
Paul Gosar AZ-04 @RepGosar
Scott DesJarlais TN-04 @DesJarlaisTN04
Trey Gowdy SC-04 @TGowdySC
Blake Farenthold TX-27 @farenthold
Cynthia Lummis WY @CynthiaLummis
Thomas Massie KY-04 @RepThomasMassie
Mark Meadows NC-11@RepMarkMeadows
Ron DeSantis FL-06 @RepDeSantis
Mick Mulvaney SC-05 @RepMickMulvaney
Ken Buck CO-04 @RepKenBuck
Mark Walker NC-06 @RepMarkWalker
Rod Blum IA-01 @RepRodBlum
Jody Hice GA-10 @CongressmanHice
Steve Russell OK-05 @RepRussell
Buddy Carter GA-01 @RepBuddyCarter
Glenn Grothman WI-06 @RepGrothman
William Hurd TX-23 @HurdOnTheHill
Gary Palmer Al-06 @USRepGaryPalmer
Jason Chaffetz UT-03 @jasoninthehouse