Thursday, March 26, 2015

Kicked Out of Senator Jeff Tarte's Office for Opposing Forced Vaccinations

Tuesday, we went to the North Carolina General Assembly to oppose SB346 - the forced vaccination bill. SB346 would remove religious exemption, which violates our natural rights. We were thrown out of Senator Jeff Tarte's office. See video below! This is not a debate about vaccine efficacy. This is about personal liberty and our God-given rights. Our natural rights are NOT debatable. We have a right to be secure in our persons and we have the right to FREELY exercise our religious beliefs. This bill should never have even come into existence. Government does not have a say. I have two chronically ill kids- who could potentially get sick from newly vaccinated folks OR be at risk from an outbreak of any sort. Doesn't matter. We do NOT have the right to step on the God-given rights of other individuals because we fear what MIGHT happen. Government doesn't have the right to force people to inject themselves or their children with substances to which they are morally opposed-for ANY reason. Some vaccines are derived from aborted fetal cells. Some from monkey DNA..... You do not have to agree with those who choose not to vaccinate. I was also interviewed by TWC News. You can watch the interview here.


Anonymous said...

You are such a hypocrite. You claim to want to secure personal liberties, but you oppose abortion. You can't have it both ways. In one breath, you say the governmenr can't legislate what people should do with their bodies, but at the same time you also post your thoughts about ending legal abortion. Sounds to me like that is the government legislating what people can do with their bodies.
Or is it just that you claim "Our natural rights are not debatable" only when it suits your cause?
Like I said, hypocrite.

Pattie said...

You realize that a BABY in the mother's womb is a SEPARATE human being, right? It has its own brain waves, beating heart and body--separate from the mother. So killing an innocent life i the womb is murder. Life is the first unalienable right. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

You do not have the God-given right to kill another human being- a distinct human being- at your whim. Every human being has the right to life. If you cannot understand the difference, I don't know what to tell you. The baby in the womb has the right to to be killed by a medical procedure, just as much as his mother has the right not to be injected with vaccines with which she is morally opposed.

Pattie said...

PS- The baby in the mother's womb also has the God-given right to be secure in its person. :)

Anonymous said...

Whatever you need to tell yourself so you can justify your hypocrisy and sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

FYI, until the baby is born, it is not an American citizen. The constitution only applies to citizens.

Anonymous said...

Also, by your own words "Government has NO business in the patient-doctor relationship. NO business."
That would lead one to believe that you support the government not being involved in decisions related to abortion which are between the patient and the doctor.

Pattie said...

The baby is a human being and has a right to life. The baby also has the right not to be murdered. You believe that babies are not human beings until birth, I believe otherwise. No one on the planet skipped the stage of development known as conception- be it natural or in a test tube. When it comes to murder, no one has the right to murder another human being. There is a difference, even though you fail to see it.

Pattie said...

It is pathetic that you would 1) support the murder of an innocent human being and 2) and that you would say it was okay to kill a child because it isn't considered an American citizen until birth -- wow. All human beings have the unalienable right to life. No matter their location or their station in life. Of course, I understand that as a liberal, abortion is your sacrament, and you could never admit that the baby is a human being separate from its own mother to start, much less admit murdering an innocent life was wrong. It wouldn't fit your narrative. You see, you say it is I that is not consistent, when in reality, I am consistent and you are not. I support the right to life of ALL human beings. You only support the rights for those already born. You only support the right to life of those deemed worthy enough to live. You believe those without a voice, who have heartbeats, brainwaves and a separate body don't have rights until they are born American citizens. that's just sad. Unalienable rights are God-given, cannot be separated from our beings. Every person in the world has these unalienable rights. We are just fortunate enough to live in a country whose constitution is supposed to secure those rights.

Anonymous said...

Mainly, I just enjoy pushing your buttons and getting you to go on a giant Tea Party rant. Makes my whole week.

Pattie said...

No ranting from me because you don't push my buttons. Nice try, though. Not much gets to me..... in case you missed that. Hope you had a blessed Easter.

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