Monday, June 30, 2014

Celebrate the Hobby Lobby Win!

We are celebrating the Hobby Lobby win today. We made signs to put next to our banner and we will shop at Hobby Lobby today, too!


Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with the First Amendment. It has to do with a company imposing its religious beliefs on its workers. As a female who works at Hobby Lobby, this affects me directly. I menstruate for 18 out of 30 days a month, unless I use an IUD. When this was covered by insurance, it wasn't an issue. But to get one without insurance is upwards of $1000. As someone who has a lot of medical expenses, I think you can understand my dilemma. For me, this has nothing to do with birth control. It is about my every day life. Now, because of this ruling, I will be affected negatively, and I am not alone. So, celebrate your win for "religious freedom" if that's what you want to call it, but what it is is a defeat for women everywhere.

Pattie said...
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Pattie said...

Yep... Did a quick search. You have better alternatives for your condition. I'd seek a second opinion on the IUD being your only option.

Pattie said...

PS. It is not a defeat for innocent women in the womb who are murdered daily..... And it is not a defeat for women everywhere. Perhaps weak women who need someone else to take care of them and pay fir their stuff see this as a defeat.

Anonymous said...

And yay for Target!
I think I'll spend more there this weekend. Target - a company putting its customers and employees first. What a novel idea!
FYI, their decision doesn't harm you in the least.

Pattie said...

Anonymous, we pay tens of thousands of dollars every year on things not covered by insurance. We don't expect hubby's employer to cover our every need and want. If we had a true free market and operated on our founding principles, healthcare and the items you speak of would be cheaper for everyone. Stop whining. We've got more than an IUD to buy for our kids each year. You won't find sympathy here. Go buy one...... or work for an employer who doesn't care if some of the babies you conceive are murdered by the device.

Pattie said...

Also, even Catholic employers/universities make exceptions for birth control and devices IF they are medically necessary. Makes me wonder...... is it truly medically necessary? Have you gone that route? Of course, if it is medically necessary, and they won't cover, you could go work for another hobby chain- AC Moore, perhaps? Michaels?

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