Thursday, March 13, 2014

Can't Pay.....

Here's a bill we can't pay, thanks to Obamacare. The drop in flex is just part of the problem. Remember this and the $451 could have been paid with the tax savings alone from the higher flex limit..... Sadly, everything costs more because our deductibles, copays and OOP maxes are now higher, and our medication copays are higher.......  Any Obama voters and Obamacare supporters want to pay this? ha! You expect the government to do it...... If you'd get the government out of our lives, costs would be lower.....and if the government stopped raping us via taxes, we'd be able to afford more. Affordable care Act my fat patootie!!! 


Anonymous said...

Legitimate question for you:
You talk about getting government out of people's lives. Also, you are pro-life.
Do you believe abortion should be outlawed?
If so, wouldn't that be government getting into people's lives?

Pattie said...

Yes, except for the life of the mother. Two bodies. The baby's body is a separate body from the mother. Shouldn't government defend and protect the unalienable right to life of BOTH bodies? Both people!? So you think a mother should be able to murder a person who has the God-given right to life simply because his distinctly separate little body resides inside the body of his mother!? Without LIFE, none of our other rights can ever be realized.

Anonymous said...

At what point does the law say that it is a living, separate individual?
Up to a certain point, that being cannot exist outside of the body of the mother. Any law protecting said being is also a law forcing the mother to host another being inside her body. It still comes back to the government being in people's lives. I am certainly not pro-abortion, but it is a gray area.
Government cannot defend and protect the right of the unborn without infringing on the rights of the mother. In no situation is the government not involved in someone's life.
I understand what you're saying, but it contradicts your statement of government staying out of people's lives. In this situation, the government will be inflicting their will on someone.

Nora Tomlinson said...

Government's legitimizing and subsidizing of non-life threatening abortion IS an encroachment. Planned Parenthood, for instance, is primarily an abortion mill that receives massive public funding AND is also a major donor to the DNC and its affiliates; THAT is 'government getting into people's lives', under duress, as well as a money laundering scheme. Nonetheless, it is difficult to see the need to solicit a justification of pro-life beliefs in regard to the financial and moral suffocation of Obamacare...which at this point is the most massive governmental overreach into our lives. At least we know now why Pelosi purred that *we need to pass the bill to find out what's in it*...what remains unknown is why that alarmingly absurd rationale actually appealed to some voters.

Anonymous said...

Patiently awaiting your rebuttal to my most recent comment, because I'm seriously interested in how you come to terms with government interference for the unborn but acknowledging that the government is still telling a woman what to do with her body. Government in our lives for sake of the unborn but government in our lives telling us what to do. Intriguing dilemma. Does one intrusion outweigh the other? The constitution provides the unalienable right to life for citizens of the US. At what point is the unborn considered a citizen? If it isn't until birth, then, technically according to the constitution, the unborn does not yet have unalienable rights.

Pattie said...

Dear Anon, if you were so proud of the thoughts you have penned here, you would not be anonymous. Life begins at conception. No one who has ever been born has skipped that stage of development-even if it occurred in a test tube.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you skirted around answering any questions about how life and citizenship are related. Because if citizenship is from birth, then "life, liberty, etc" does not apply till birth.

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