Saturday, September 14, 2013

Camping in the Capital

Getting ready for our Homeschool Moms Against Obamacare "Defund Obamacare Tour". Yesterday, this was the scripture I was focusing on:  Ps. 18:28-32: "You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. With Your help I can advance against any troop; with my God I can scale a wall. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect."

Years ago, when I first met Debbie and Michelle on the football field, I knew I had met kindred spirits. Seriously, I know no other women willing to camp in a cabin without a bathroom just to go to DC to meet with their elected officials. Little did I know back then that God would call us to be a force for change in our nation. We have spent hours praying for our nation, discussing the Constitution, our founders, our current leaders, the policies of our government- and we've decided that, with God's grace, we ARE going to take a stand and fight for that which is uniquely American! The Declaration, Constitution and its Bill of Rights are worth fighting for! We all realize that everything we are doing is orchestrated by God and we trust that He will use us as his instruments in DC. As we've been planning, He has opened the most amazing doors for us and we know that He is going to do amazing things on this trip. I keep thinking of David and Goliath. We may be a small group, but we know that God is bigger than our own government. We are placing all of our trust in the Creator. We humbly ask Him to use us for His glory and we ask for clarity, that He would show us His will and that we would humbly submit to doing His work and not our own. This is an epic battle for the soul of our nation. Suit up in the Armor of Christ, ladies. You know that each time we embark on these trips, satan attacks. I love Ephesians 6:11-"Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil." We are using the scripture Hannah pointed out this morning as the scripture for this trip: "And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say." -Luke 12:11-12 (ESV)

It's going to be a great trip- we need prayers for our trip and for the men we are leaving behind. Ha ha...probably more for the latter.  


Anonymous said...

Just as a talking point, do you feel that if the GOP uses Defunding Obamacare as a tactic in the upcoming negotiations over the budget with a potential to shut down the government, and if there is a Government shutdown, do you feel the blowback will be on the GOP and they will lose any goodwill with the American people they may have earned?

Pattie said...

I do not think it will hurt the Republicans- see the stats after my comments. Why #defundobamacare through the Graves Resolution CR? There are many reasons. First, it would only delay Obamacare one year. Next, let's remember we should be passing a budget and NOT a CR- but the Democrats have not passed a budget in the senate going on 5 years. The Republicans in the House have passed a budget... without a budget, they must pass a Continuing Resolution to keep the government running. Our government doesn't have enough money to pay for #Obamacare and thus the Democrats are wanting to raise the debt ceiling again and our President wants to end the sequester. The ONLY way we can afford Obamacare is another debt ceiling raise- which would mean we'd be risking another drop in our credit rating. Republican leadership was very angry that we Tea Party folks are wanting to battle over the CR because they 1) don't think it can be done- we heard every excuse in the book and look! It's a miracle- they have the Graves CR to vote on. 2) they think they can, once again, use the debt ceiling as leverage because the President wants to end the sequester...they actually think that this year, that this time they can negotiate mandatory spending cuts on Obamacare if they leverage the debt ceiling against the President's want for ending the sequester. If the Graves CR gets through the House, it will go to the Senate and people like Virginia Foxx don't think Ted Cruz and Mike Lee can deliver. We need to let them try- AND if it doesn't pass the Senate or if Harry Reid doesn't let it go to the floor, then it goes back to the House- and the Democrats can take the responsibility for the government shutdown. The Graves CR funds ALL of government with the exception of Obamacare. So Republicans are proposing running government but not funding Obamacare- FOR ONE YEAR. Because the CR will be negotiated again next year unless the Democrats get on board with passing a real budget. Many of us believe that we need to be winning more in these ongoing compromises "across the aisle"- the Democrats do not own the government nor do they control the House.

56% of Americans favor a continuing resolution "that does not include funding for Obamacare" 82% of Republicans support a CR that defunds obamacare (8 in 10 Republicans) Our RNC passed a resolution stating we want Obamacare defunded

Only 16% of Americans say they would be "worse off" and only 5% of Republicans say they would be "worse off" if Obamacare was defunded and delayed.

The overwhelming majority of Americans don't feel stopping Obamacare would harm them personally. 54% of Americans favor delaying the individual mandate and 60% of Republicans favor such a delay. The Democrats are on the wrong side of this issue- and we need Republicans to take a stand for what Americans really want.

Anonymous said...

Another talking point:
How do you feel now that Cruz has sold out those in the house and admitted defeat?
Also, you say what Americans really want. Is this really what Americans really want? Or is it just a vocal minority sounding like a majority?

Pattie said...

Cruz has not admitted defeat. All the polls indicate the American people are against Obamacare. Even CNN last week had a poll that showed only 39% support Obamacare- and that's liberal CNN!

Anonymous said...

Here is an article on Cruz admitting defeat.

Pattie said...

LOL he hardly admits defeat- even with the liberal spin. He's stating what we already know. What we want is for them to use this defund for leverage instead of the debt ceiling and sequester. You'd have to be four shades of stupid not to already know what he is stating. If you've ready anything any conservative think tank has written or listened to what has been said, you'd know the desired outcome of these moves-- "defund, delay,defeat" is the goal- ultimately we want repeal- but we know that can;t happen until we defeat Dems and are in control again.

Anonymous said...

Four shades of stupid huh? Nice to see your class continues to shine through at all times.

Pattie said...

Always. :) Cruz is just stating the obvious.

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